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So I get asked a lot "How should I stage my home to sell it?" or "Should I stage my home to sell it?" So there are a couple of schools of thought on that, I have heard and I have read through all of the many articles that I find is that staging homes actually produce about three times the money you spend on the staging you get back in return on the sale of the home. So if you put a thousand dollars into staging, you would get a three thousand dollar return on that. So worth investing in? Probably. But you know it's funny because, in today's market, things are just flying off the shelves so fast that it's almost not worth the hassle of it, but it does make the house a lot more attractive. Now it depends on what price point your house is also in. So it depends on if you're looking at a million-dollar house or just a hundred-thousand dollar house. It's just different buyers, so the million-dollar house- you might want to consider staging.