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It's the holidays! I know, I'm tired, I have my family here, why in the world would I want to put my house on the market? I get that a lot, but let me tell you something I've learned, it's the most amazing trick in the book. You want to list your house right before Christmas, and here's why.
People have time to look around, people are looking during Christmas because they're not at work, and the true buyers are just for some reason wanting to look at houses during Christmas. Did you know that I once sold a house on Christmas Eve? No lie, it was crazy because that's when people are out, they're off work, they're ready to look for houses.
They're also like I said before the tire kickers kind of drop out of the market so the people who are coming through your house are actual buyers, now let me tell you- this is the best part about that is that Christmas is an emotional time for most people, and houses sell on emotions, you've heard me say that before, so make sure your house is beautiful for Christmas, make it desirable to be there, make me walk in and go "Oh I see Christmas here for myself and my family". That is when you sell your house and you'll get the offer.
Well, there's the scoop, Edna Wilson, your Hometown Realtor, as Hometown as Apple Pie.