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I was just at an event this weekend with our amazing Sheriff Ivy and he was talking about this; since he's taken office, crime has diminished by 50% here in Brevard County, which is amazing, but the truth is crime is kind of specific to neighborhoods and people always want to know what kind of crime is in a specific neighborhood, I've got some great tools to help you figure that out. First of all, always always always, I always tell my buyers to call the police department or the sheriff's department, they'll tell you the crime report for that street, they'll tell you exactly what kind of crimes occur and you have to make the judgement call based on that, there are also several services and apps that could help you, use Google or any search engine to see what crime is related to the neighborhood you're looking at. They're great resources for you as a buyer because they keep you and your family safe. Another idea is that you always to walk the streets- not drive, but walk the streets in the neighborhood that you're looking to buy. I want you going up and down just looking and hearing, I had a family once who had something where they did not want to hear the interstate, some people it doesn't matter, but this particular one- they did, and once they started walking they could hear the interstate and they didn't even realize it until they got out of their car and started walking the neighborhood. Very important, I'd tell you to also come back at night just to do the same thing because things are different during the night time, don't rely on that first five or ten minutes that you spent during the day walking around, come back in the evening and even just slowly drive it, you'll learn a lot- that is a promise. Thank you for reading, I am Edna Wilson, your Hometown Realtor, as Hometown as Apple Pie.