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Hey so you've heard all the buzz around open houses, and what creates a great open house? Here are 10 tips to help you and your agent have the perfect open house.
So here at Celebrate Real Estate, we do things called Mega open houses which is a whole other level of open houses. There are 10 basics that you have to do no matter what type of open house you are doing.
1.) Always make sure your lights are on.
2.) Always make sure your blinds are open.
3.) Make sure there's a good smell in your house.
4.) Turn the A/C way down. (68-70 degrees F)
5.) Advertise.
6.) Print out at least 30 signs.
7.) Make sure to smile.
8.) Make sure everyone signs in (For security).
9.) Keep pets out & Leave the property.
10.) Make sure to have fun with it.
By the way, your neighbors are the best word of mouth!