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Hey! Thanks for joining, it's Edna Wilson here. Can you fire a real estate agent? That's something to think about right there. So you have two different types of agents, right? You have someone who's gonna help you sell a house, and you have someone who will help you buy a house, or maybe the city beach that helps you sell a house to buy another house, that exists too. Can you fire them? And how do you do that? So the question is "Why are you firing them?" Are you firing them because the market's tough and they can't get a contract done? Are you firing them because they're just lackadaisical and they don't actually send you listings? Or ever even call you? It happens. Or maybe they're selling your house and the timeline's taking longer than you think it is because they're not holding open houses and they're not doing the things marketing-wise that you need to do. Well according to our standard far bar contracts, when you sign a listing agreement or a buyer's agreement, you can't actually let go of your agent. The way you do that is you just send their broker an email or letter that just says "I no longer wish to continue this relationship with so-and-so." That is all unless you're under a contract.