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I once took this listing, it was so scary, the house itself was amazing, but next door.. it was definitely a hoarder house, it was crazy, so I mean the trees were grown up and over growing on top of the house, there were abandoned cars in the driveway, I can't even imagine what the inside of the house looked like, it was obvious that there was no power to the house. My guess would be that there was no running water, but there was actually people living there and my sellers were so concerned and I thought "They're right to be concerned, this affects the value of your house", and so you know what I did?
I got on the phone with the city and I said "Dude, we have some violations over here" and I tell you what, code enforcement was amazing, they came over and made sure that the house got cleaned up- it didn't get cleaned up all the way, but it was much better than before! All I could think about was the rats that were running back and forth, it sounded awful.
Let me tell you, neighborhood matters. I have a really good friend who is like the mayor of her street, she makes sure everything is done by code enforcement- by the way, did you know that we have put laws down about how you can't have cars on the street overnight, that your grass has to be under a certain length, your trash receptacles can't sit at the road- we have laws, and you are allowed to call the city of Titusville and say "Hey, my neighbor hasn't done X, it's true, tons of codes that we need to follow as citizens because it does affect the value of your house and that is so important when it comes to selling and making sure your value stays as high as we possibly can, and trust me buyers, they drive neighborhoods, they want to make sure they're in a safe neighborhood that actually has people who care, who keep up their yard.
So stay on top of it, Titusville, you're doing a great job!
Well there's the scoop, Edna Wilson, your Hometown Realtor, as Hometown as Apple Pie.