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It's election day! I know, can you believe it? Elections are right around the corner and let me tell you, there are tons and tons and tons to choose from this time, well let me ask you this. Do elections affect real estate? The truth is they do, and here's why elections are so important to the way that our economy comes and goes, it affects the stock market it affects the real estate market, it affects you, so we see a real slow down this week in particular, leading up to the elections because people are just not sure what's going to happen, who's going to control the house: the republicans or the democrats, what's going to happen? It gets a little crazy right around election time, so if you have a house listed right now, don't fret, we don't expect to see a lot of showings this week but we do know that once elections are over with, we typically see a skyrocket again as we lead into the thanksgiving holiday, so don't worry, you got this and go vote. Well, that was the scoop, Edna Wilson, your Hometown Realtor, as Hometown as Apple Pie.